
 +420 775 640 749

Press tour of Russian mass media

Dancing Ensemble from Ukraine 2016

Corporate culture as an instrument of motivation and development of the employees

Elderly people 60+

International Tourism Trade Fair "Kavkaz 2015"

Medical Conference Uzbekistan 2014

Performance of the Georgian Assemble "Momavali", Prague

Seminar: Psychology of Deception

Concert Moldavian Musical School “Eugen Doga” in Prague

A big Concert of Georgian National Assemble

Seminar: Medical Business and its Development in Europe

Seminar Business Etiquette and International Protocol

Workshop: Business woman. The art to be liked and to succeed

Seminar: Innovative Tools of Strategic and Operational Management of the Company

Workshop: Contemporary Public Space of the City

Courses Czech National Cuisine from Chef Prague Culinary Academy

Performance of Petersburg Children's Choir "Intuition"

Music Festival Regensburg

Seminar: The Control System in Urban Housing and Real Estate Market in the Czech Republic

Students Visit of the Law Faculty from Dnepropetrovsk in Charles University